This babao (insignia) represents our Matao identity that we seek to remember and reclaim. Matao alludes to being human; achieving self-realization; and understanding how to responsibly participate in the world around oneself.

We descend from brilliant seafarers who dared to explore and go beyond what was considered possible at the time. We re-imagine our Matao identity as a tool to remember who we were, realize who we are, and prepare ourselves to embody the ingenuity, creativity, & freedom required to sail beyond the known horizons. 


The Past
The word Matao is most often associated with the ruling class in the ancient CHamoru Caste system. Historically, systems of control and domination creates division and mistreatment, which leads to violence, corruption of power, civil unrest & war. This will continue to perpetuate itself if we do not act to end these cycles of injustice.

We seek i ináfa’maolek na chålan, the path of unity with all, by remembering the original meanings of the word.

Matao alludes to being human; achieving self-realization; and understanding how to responsibly participate in the world around oneself. Matao also means the ones who “peopled” Låguas (the Mariånas). Our ancestors were the very first to settle in this part of the Pacific, and at that time it was the greatest and longest voyage any human had ever made! 

The Present

In Chuukik languages, the word Matao (written in their orthography as Metaw) refers to the deep seas. In Lokaiahn Pohnpei, Matao (written in their orthography as Madau) refers to the ocean beyond the barrier reef. In Taiwan, it is recognized as meaning the people that sailed far out into the open ocean. Embracing Matao as our identity connects us to our Austronesian language family, and all who “peopled” their lands that span from Madagascar along the coast of South Asia through Island South East Asia to Rapanui and Aotearoa. 

The Future

Today, it can sometimes feel like we are caught in a centuries old colonial storm with an impossible ocean to cross between our current realities and a sovereign and liberated future. Yet, the many stories told by the multitude of Matao peoples tell us that we are continuing a journey that began over a millenia ago.

We inherit the legacy of those who have accomplished unfathomable feats. It is up to us now to sail the open ocean towards new possibilities for the generations to come. With our trust in si Ásaina I Yahúlulo’ and the wisdom of our ancestors we courageously embrace the journey onward beyond what we can imagine. 



