Gi Matan Guma’ Use Protocol

Use of the Gi Matan Guma’ cultural material requires agreement to the following:

  • I agree to use this work for good; 

  • I agree to to cite where this material comes from and do my best to represent the philosophy & principles shared with me by Gi Matan Guma’; 

  • I agree that I will not profit or try to profit from the use of the material unless I have come to prior oral & written terms of agreement with the leadership of Gi Matan Guma’; 

  • I agree that I will use this material solely for my personal practice;

  • I agree that although I can share what I've learned with others, I will not formally teach this material for use in public without the express consent of the leadership of Gi Matan Guma'

These terms are subject to change as we refine our perspectives on maintaining the integrity of our cultural work.